


Students quickly learn to recognize all of the exciting opportunities present at a boarding school. Their days and nights are full, challenging, and rewarding, whether they live on or off campus. 除了可能最终出现在成绩单或申请上的工作, 学生们也在学习并成为负责任的公民. Westminster has always provided an organic structure for this important personal growth, as students are fully immersed in a community in which they are known for their varied contributions and have close relationships with each other, 加强责任感的教职员工.
通过上课的共同经历, 家庭式午餐, 参加体育和艺术活动, 参与社区服务和学生组织, our students are supported and build self-identities in the context of a place where they make a difference.



  • 健康计划

    Our highest priority at 365平台 is students’ health, safety, and well-being. We recognize that a student’s overall success is tied to not just what they learn in the classroom, 还有他们的情感感受, 身体上的, 和智力上. Our programming is designed to foster inclusivity, learning, and overall well-being. 

    The Wellness program provides an intentional curriculum for students to learn about a variety of topics that involve their personal wellness, 社会和情感健康以及他们的整体性格发展. The multifaceted curriculum is coordinated by a team that includes the Associate 校长, 生署署长, 住宿生活主任, 教务长, Dean of 多样性、公平和包容, 心理健康服务主任和体育主任.
  • 培训

    教师, 工作人员, 学生每年都参加各种各样的培训, 包括对学生领袖的补充培训. 

    All of our faculty and 工作人员 who work with our students receive on-going professional development and training in various areas of health and wellness education, 包括, 心肺复苏, 心理健康急救包括qpr问题, 说服, 转介预防自杀训练, boundary training on adult-student relationships and support for students with respect to their 性别认同或表达, 等. 
  • 第三形式健康

    所有高三学生都必须上健康课. An evidence based curriculum serves as the foundation of this discussion based class where students address important developmental issues 包括, 健康的关系, 解决冲突, 身份与欺凌, 数字公民, 同理心的建立.
  • 第四种形式:公民参与课程和性健康与发展

    A selection of Fourth Form seminar courses help Westminster students learn to engage in meaningful dialogue and to better understand who they are and for what they stand. Students also study both the compositional elements of speech writing and the rhetorical devices that make for effective delivery.
  • 所有学校健康计划

    A variety of speakers and topics are presented to the community to foster healthy living. 在这些演讲之后, students attend a student learning group (SLG) and have continued small group discussions with a trained student facilitator and their advisor. 

    认识到青少年发展形势的迅速变化, 嘉宾演讲者与我们的学生面临的当前问题相关. 过去的专题包括:
    • 预防药物使用
    • 心理健康意识与自杀预防
    • 健康的关系,同意和约会暴力
    • 性别与性意识
  • 同侪领导及学生学习小组

    同行的领导人 are a team of Fifth and Sixth Form students who receive specialized leadership training in facilitation skills, 基本精神健康支援, 培养健康的社区文化. 同行的领导人, 在教师的支持下,促进和领导一系列主题的研讨会和讨论, 包括移情, 积极倾听, 社会正义, 决策, 和更多的. The mission of the 同行的领导人hip Program is “peers supporting peers” around building agency, 沟通技巧, 解决冲突, 和社区里的成年人合作. 同侪领袖由多元化院长指导, 股本, 和包容, 与住宿生活主任合作, 以及心理健康服务主任.

    这个小组在整个学年都接受持续的培训, 从强制性的开始, 在所有学生到校之前进行的充满乐趣的培训.

    学生学习小组s, led by 教师 Advisors and 同行的领导人, consist of students from two different advisory groups. 这些小组在全校课程结束后开会,汇报课程内容. 同行的领导人 will help students reflect on their values and ideas while developing their own skills in empathetic listening, 沟通, 还有同伴参与, 所有这些都有助于营造健康的学习环境.
  • 社区的对话

    社区的对话 provide opportunities for the entire community to engage in structured discussions on topics that impact members of the community.
  • 健康的一天

    一年一次, 代替上课, 学生参加各种自我保健活动, 压力的减少,  以及社区建设活动. 学校为学生提供30多项活动,包括远足, 跆拳道, 冥想, 瑜伽,艺术项目, 宠物疗法, 烘焙, 音乐和卡拉ok等等. 一年中最值得珍惜的日子之一, students have the opportunity to learn new skills and activities that will support their overall wellness.


除了有机项目, the school's student health and wellness curriculum provides an intentional curriculum for students to learn about topics that involve their personal wellness, 他们的性格发展, 以及他们与他人的健康关系. The multifaceted curriculum is coordinated by a team that includes the Associate 校长, 卫生服务主任和医疗主任, 学生生活主任, 多样性院长, 股本, 包容和体育总监. The school’s schedule allows most 项目 in the curriculum to take place during the school day, 一般在星期三和星期六上午.


芯片Genung 头完美
本•斯威夫特 初级完美 
J.J. 赫尔利
所有在读学生, faculty and 工作人员 of 365平台 automatically receive 365平台每周 through Community 新闻 each Friday morning. 



P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
为了保持我们对多元化社区的支持, Westminster abides by all applicable federal and state laws and does not discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 国家和民族出身, 血统和/或教育政策管理方面的残疾, 365平台政策, 奖学金和贷款项目, 以及体育和其他学校管理的项目. 365平台大学招收任何种族的学生, color, 民族和民族出身的一切权利, 特权, 项目, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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